By Kristine Bonim
March 27, 2025
Join us for Holy Week · Palm Sunday - Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter, marking Jesus' joyful entry into Jerusalem. Many gathered to celebrate Jesus as the Messiah, filled with excitement after witnessing his miracles, hearing his teachings, and experiencing God’s presence firsthand. On Palm Sunday, we also celebrate and give thanks for all that God has done and continues to do. Join us at our 11 a.m. worship experience in the MRUMC Pavilion to remember and celebrate the high point of Jesus' ministry together. We look forward to opening worship with having our kiddos process with waving palms and joyful singing! (This service will be live-streamed) · Holy Thursday - Holy Thursday (also known as Maundy Thursday) commemorates the moment when Jesus gathered with his closest friends for the Last Supper. On this evening, we highlight Jesus' powerful example of humility, love, and serving others, symbolized through washing his disciples’ feet. This simple act reminds us that Jesus came to serve, not to be served. You're invited to join us at 6:30 p.m. in the MRUMC Pavilion for an intimate service featuring thoughtful teaching, reflective moments, music, hand washing, and Communion. (This service will be live-streamed) · Good Friday - Good Friday is a reflective observance of Jesus’ betrayal, trial, suffering, and ultimately, his death on the cross. This somber day invites us to pause, remember, and deeply reflect on the powerful sacrifice Jesus made out of love for us all. Join us for a joint service with McEver Road UMC, Flowery Branch UMC, Oakwood UMC, and Bethlehem UMC at 12 p.m. hosted at Flowery Branch UMC’s sanctuary (5212 Spring St, Flowery Branch, GA 30542) · Easter Sunday - Three days after Jesus’ death, something amazing happened—he rose from the grave and walked out of the tomb alive! Jesus' resurrection means a fresh start for all of us. It means our stories don't have to end with struggle or pain; instead, we can find new hope, freedom, joy, and a life filled with purpose right here and now. Easter Sunday celebrates the incredible gift of a new beginning that Jesus offers to each and every one of us—no matter who you are or what your story looks like. Check out different ways to join us in the celebration! Sunrise - Join us at 7 a.m. for a simplified, in-person, outdoor worship experience in the MRUMC Community Garden as we read the Easter story, reflect, and rejoice in the good news of Jesus’ resurrection dawning as the sun rises on this sacred day. Afterward, you are invited to join us for a church-wide breakfast. Easter Pancake Breakfast - Join us at 8 a.m. in the MRUMC Pavilion for pancakes and a delicious breakfast spread provided by congregants for all to enjoy. Bring a dish by 7:45 a.m. or just show up for the fellowship! 11 a.m. Worship - We’d love for you to join us at 11 a.m. in the MRUMC Pavilion for music, prayer, an inspiring message, and a joyful celebration of what Jesus' resurrection means for us today! (This service will be live-streamed)