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Church Calendar



9am Holy Grounds

10am Journey to Bethlehem

10am Joyful Noise

10am Pages

10am Children's Sunday School

11am Worship

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6pm Music Rehearsal


8am ROMEOs Breakfast

9am ROMEOs Work at Church

11am Crafting Squad

6:30pm Cub Scouts Meeting

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10am Prayer Walk

6pm the ship



Office Closed



9am Holy Grounds

10am Journey to Bethlehem

10am Joyful Noise

10am Pages

10am Children's Sunday School

11am Worship

Show all


6pm Music Rehearsal


8am ROMEOs Breakfast

9am ROMEOs Work at Church

11am Crafting Squad

6:30pm Good News

6:30pm Cub Scouts Meeting

Show all


10am Prayer Walk

12pm Ash Wednesday Service - Flowery Branch UMC

6:30pm Ash Wednesday Service - Oakwood UMC

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Office Closed

Women's Retreat in Hiawassee


9:30am Vámanos al Campo - Hosted by McEver UMC


9am Holy Grounds

10am Journey to Bethlehem

10am Joyful Noise

10am Pages

10am Children's Sunday School

11am Worship

Show all


12pm Lenten Lunch and Learn - "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" Workbook and Discussion

6pm Music Rehearsal


8am ROMEOs Breakfast

9am ROMEOs Work at Church

11am Crafting Squad

6pm Busy

6:30pm Cub Scouts Meeting

Show all


10am Prayer Walk


5pm Women's Bible Study

7pm Wesley Small Group


Office Closed



9am Holy Grounds

10am Journey to Bethlehem

10am Joyful Noise

10am Pages

10am Children's Sunday School

11am Worship

Show all


12pm Lenten Lunch and Learn - "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" Workbook and Discussion

6pm Music Rehearsal


8am ROMEOs Breakfast

9am ROMEOs Work at Church

11am Crafting Squad

6:30pm Good News

6:30pm Cub Scouts Meeting

Show all


10am Prayer Walk

5:30pm God Squad Reunion


5pm Women's Bible Study


Office Closed


11:30am Purple Iris NeedleArts Society meeting


9am Holy Grounds

10am Journey to Bethlehem

10am Joyful Noise

10am Pages

10am Children's Sunday School

11am Worship

Show all


12pm Lenten Lunch and Learn - "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" Workbook and Discussion

6pm Music Rehearsal


8am ROMEOs Breakfast

9am ROMEOs Work at Church

11am Crafting Squad

11am Busy

6:30pm Cub Scouts Meeting

Show all


10am Prayer Walk

6pm the ship


5pm Women's Bible Study


Office Closed



9am Holy Grounds

10am Journey to Bethlehem

10am Joyful Noise

10am Pages

10am Children's Sunday School

11am Worship

Show all


12pm Lenten Lunch and Learn - "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" Workbook and Discussion

6pm Music Rehearsal


8am ROMEOs Breakfast

9am ROMEOs Work at Church

11am Crafting Squad

6:30pm Good News

6:30pm Cub Scouts Meeting

Show all


10am Prayer Walk


5pm Women's Bible Study


Office Closed


9:30am Vámanos al Campo - Hosted by McEver UMC

Upcoming Events

By Kristine Bonim March 27, 2025
Join us for Holy Week · Palm Sunday - Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter, marking Jesus' joyful entry into Jerusalem. Many gathered to celebrate Jesus as the Messiah, filled with excitement after witnessing his miracles, hearing his teachings, and experiencing God’s presence firsthand. On Palm Sunday, we also celebrate and give thanks for all that God has done and continues to do. Join us at our 11 a.m. worship experience in the MRUMC Pavilion to remember and celebrate the high point of Jesus' ministry together. We look forward to opening worship with having our kiddos process with waving palms and joyful singing! (This service will be live-streamed) · Holy Thursday - Holy Thursday (also known as Maundy Thursday) commemorates the moment when Jesus gathered with his closest friends for the Last Supper. On this evening, we highlight Jesus' powerful example of humility, love, and serving others, symbolized through washing his disciples’ feet. This simple act reminds us that Jesus came to serve, not to be served. You're invited to join us at 6:30 p.m. in the MRUMC Pavilion for an intimate service featuring thoughtful teaching, reflective moments, music, hand washing, and Communion. (This service will be live-streamed) · Good Friday - Good Friday is a reflective observance of Jesus’ betrayal, trial, suffering, and ultimately, his death on the cross. This somber day invites us to pause, remember, and deeply reflect on the powerful sacrifice Jesus made out of love for us all. Join us for a joint service with McEver Road UMC, Flowery Branch UMC, Oakwood UMC, and Bethlehem UMC at 12 p.m. hosted at Flowery Branch UMC’s sanctuary (5212 Spring St, Flowery Branch, GA 30542) · Easter Sunday - Three days after Jesus’ death, something amazing happened—he rose from the grave and walked out of the tomb alive! Jesus' resurrection means a fresh start for all of us. It means our stories don't have to end with struggle or pain; instead, we can find new hope, freedom, joy, and a life filled with purpose right here and now. Easter Sunday celebrates the incredible gift of a new beginning that Jesus offers to each and every one of us—no matter who you are or what your story looks like. Check out different ways to join us in the celebration! Sunrise - Join us at 7 a.m. for a simplified, in-person, outdoor worship experience in the MRUMC Community Garden as we read the Easter story, reflect, and rejoice in the good news of Jesus’ resurrection dawning as the sun rises on this sacred day. Afterward, you are invited to join us for a church-wide breakfast. Easter Pancake Breakfast - Join us at 8 a.m. in the MRUMC Pavilion for pancakes and a delicious breakfast spread provided by congregants for all to enjoy. Bring a dish by 7:45 a.m. or just show up for the fellowship! 11 a.m. Worship - We’d love for you to join us at 11 a.m. in the MRUMC Pavilion for music, prayer, an inspiring message, and a joyful celebration of what Jesus' resurrection means for us today! (This service will be live-streamed)
By Kristine Bonim March 27, 2025
EASTER EGG HUNT Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 12 at 10:00am. We encourage you to bring the kids, grandkids, great grandkids and even your neighbor’s kids! You can help us with this year’s event by donating filled eggs and candy! You can pick up a bag of empty eggs, fill them, and return them; purchase your own prefilled eggs and drop them off; or bring bags of candy to be put in eggs. Donations can be dropped off at the church on Sundays or feel free to drop them in the Bagley House kitchen during regular church office hours. Please have all donations in by no later than Friday, April 11th. Also, we have a yummy addition this year with grill out afterwards with hot dogs and other yummy treats! We thank you for your contributions and look forward to another thrilling hunt! Contact Cristina Rubio at with any questions or to let her know your willingness to help the day of the event!  (*Tentative rain-out date for the Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday, April 19 at 10:00am.)
By Kristine Bonim March 27, 2025
Help with Easter Pancake Breakfast We are looking for volunteers and donations of food for our upcoming Easter Pancake Breakfast (post Sunrise Service on April 20th). Starting this Sunday there will be a signup sheet available for you to bring the following items: breakfast casseroles, fruit salad or trays, pastries, orange juice, or just to help us with the setup and cleanup. The church will provide pancake mix, syrup, and our full coffee cart. All food needs to arrive ready to eat by no later than 7:45 am that morning. Breakfast will be served from 8:00am to 9:15am in the church pavilion. Cleanup will be completed by 10:15am at the latest so that the church can be ready for the 11:00am Worship service. Join us for some amazing hospitality to show our joy that He Has Risen!!! (Contact the church office at 770-532-3160, , OR Pam McLamb 770-309-8055, to sign up or with any questions.)
By Kristine Bonim March 27, 2025
By Kristine Bonim February 20, 2025
By Kristine Bonim February 20, 2025
Lenten Lunch and Learn: "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" Workbook and Discussion Monday, March 10 - Monday, April 7 at 12 p.m. via Zoom Join Pastor Tyler and others for a five-week journey through The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer ( ). Together, we’ll explore the book’s powerful insights on slowing down, simplifying life, and drawing closer to God. Each session will include discussion and reflection by using an accompanying workbook ( ). Don’t miss this opportunity to grow in faith and community as we learn to live unhurried, more intentional lives! Please register online here: ( ) and use the above provided links to purchase the books. If you have questions, please email Pastor Tyler at
By Kristine Bonim February 20, 2025
Ash Wednesday Services Wednesday, March 5 at 12 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Join us for Ash Wednesday as we begin the season of Lent with reflection, repentance, and the imposition of ashes. You are invited to two opportunities for worship: a noon service on Wednesday, March 5, at Flowery Branch UMC (5212 Spring Street) with lunch to follow and a joint evening service at 6:30 p.m. with Oakwood UMC and McEver UMC, hosted at Oakwood UMC (4315 Allen St). Come as we center our hearts on God and prepare for the journey to Easter!
By Kristine Bonim February 20, 2025
Opportunity to Serve South Hall Community Food Pantry Monday, February 24 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm Saturday, March 1 - 10:00am to 12:00pm (10 to 12 volunteers needed!)
By Kristine Bonim February 6, 2025
Spend a Saturday with the Scouts!
By Kristine Bonim February 6, 2025
the ship We are excited to announce that our next voyage of “the ship” will be Wednesday, February 26th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm! This exciting ministry is focused on building the next generation through fellowSHIP, discipleSHIP, relationSHIP, and worSHIP for young families, young adults, youth, and children.
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Registration Events

As registration events become available, they will be listed below.

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