Opportunities for Worship

There are many different ways to worship. The Church often encourages ways to worship God in both personal and corporate (or communal) ways. In other words, find ways to worship when you're alone and find ways to worship with others. Here you'll find a variety of ways we worship together that look and feel different. (that's okay!)

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Campus Worship Opportunities

Holy Grounds

"Coffee, Community, and Jesus"

Sunday mornings starting at 9 a.m. at McEver Road Church

Holy Grounds is a community gathering with good coffee, low-key live music, and a short message about practical faith in Jesus Christ.

Holy Grounds is a coffee house type atmosphere that will run from 9 AM to 10:00 AM on Sunday mornings in the Pavilion at Mcever Road Church campus. The musician will start playing around 9:00 AM, but you’re never late! Somewhere in the middle a message will be given with the hopes of sparking conversation around everyday faith and life.

Come in your flip flops, your sweats, your hat and sunglasses, your t-shirt and lounge shorts. Child care is available for children of all ages but they are also welcome to be present and participate.

Come and fill your spiritual cup and your coffee cup. We hope you stop by!

For more information, you can contact Pastor Tyler Jackson

Reach Out

11 a.m. Sunday Worship

"Ancient + Modern"

Sunday mornings starting at 11 a.m. at McEver Road Church

Our 11 a.m. worship experience incorporates both historic and modern expressions of prayer, praise, music, song, and sacraments. There is something meaningful and sacred for all ages to experience as we worship together.

Everyone is encouraged to "come as you are" and worship freely. This worship experience has a "family-feel," where children are welcome to be present and participate. That being said, nursery care and Kid's Church are available for families as well.

For more information, you can contact Pastor Tyler Jackson

Reach Out

Fresh Expressions of Church (FX)

God is leading us to move beyond Sunday mornings to intentionally meet everyday people in everyday places on a regular basis.

Scripture tells us that "...When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.” (Matthew 18:20, MSG)

Therefore, Christian communities can develop with any group of people anywhere - and that's exciting! We imagine people gathering at coffees shops, tattoo parlors, bars, breweries, parks, yoga studios, gyms, homes - and more! These gatherings have the capacity to develop into "fresh expressions of church" (FX), designed specifically for people who wouldn't show up on a Sunday morning - no matter how wonderful those worship experiences might be.  Because FX vary in size,  location, and affinity, they will all naturally look and feel different. FX are meant to develop in the context in which they emerged, which means that whatever makes sense for one FX and their particular expression of worship might not make sense for another FX - and that's okay! (You can learn more about Fresh Expressions here)

Over time, the emergence of these FX in and throughout our neighborhoods and communities will begin to form what we're calling a "network of churches." Mcever Road Church, then, has the potential to be more than just what happens between 9 a.m. and noon on Sunday mornings at our campus address; this network of churches helps us reach beyond and saturate our communities with the Good News of Jesus - and we can't wait for everyone to be a part of them.

Take a look below at our current list of FX that you can join!

House Church - "The SHIP"

LOCATION: Members' Homes and McEver Road Church's Baggley House & Pavilion


We're excited to have launched a new way to worship outside of Sunday morning, which is centered around a meal and faith conversations. We call it "The SHIP." This new ministry meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. The first gathering is in a member's home while the second gathering is at our church's main campus. Our focus is to help all ages connect and grow through fellowSHIP, discipleSHIP, relationSHIP, and worSHIP.

Our gatherings help all ages navigate life and faith through questions and exploration. Whether you have no faith background, are new to following Jesus, or have been following Jesus for a while, this is a safe, hospitable environment to learn and grow together. 

Wondering what to expect? Every gathering starts a free meal and fellowship time. After the meal in homes, we transition to a time of checking-in, praying for each other, and sharing communion. After the meal at the main campus, we breakout into discipleship groups based on age (nursery care is provided!), and end by coming back together to sing worship songs and pray as one big family!

Our hope is that this gathering will multiply into a house church network, where host homes throughout the surrounding communities will connect our neighbors to each other and to Jesus!

Have any questions or want to know when the next gathering will be? Reach out to Pastor Tyler

Reach Out

Prayer Walk Wednesdays

LOCATION: McEver Road Church Walking & Fitness Trails


This group meets on Wednesday mornings starting at 10 a.m.  (Fall & Winter) or 9 a.m. (Spring & Summer)

We start by hitting the trail for fellowship, exercise, and to enjoy the beauty of nature. As we walk, we share life and end with a check-in time, devotion, and prayer. You are welcome to walk/run alone or in groups talking, reflecting, and/or praying. 

No RSVP needed! Put on your walking (or running) shoes and join us!

Love on Tap



We are temporarily pausing our gatherings as we find a new home for our group. We have loved partnering with Liquid Nation Brewing and wish the owners and staff well as they navigate their future after officially closing.

You can see and follow the latest over on our Facebook Community.


Online Worship

Join us online at 11 a.m.! You can view and participate during our worship service with the live stream below.

Need a worship guide? Download a copy using the dedicated button below.

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